General Information and Enrollment

The structure of the Professional Master’s Degrees guarantees that students will be able to obtain their degrees after completing 60 ECTS. Their distribution depends on the individual program of studies for each degree.

Enrollment Type

Ordinary Full-Time Enrollment:

Anyone who meets the required admission criteria can opt for this type of enrollment, which can be full-time (from 48 to 60 ECTS) or part-time (at least 24 ECTS), provided it has been approved by the Master’s Degree Academic Commission.


Preregistration and Enrollment

The preregistration and enrollment process for all the programs of studies offered by the University of Vigo is done online through the University of Vigo’s general application website (

If you need more information about the enrollment process, deadlines, fees, etc., please see the University of Vigo Registration Page.

Further Information

If you have any questions about the preregistration and enrollment process, please contact the EEI Academic Area.

If you need more information about contents, admission requirements, timetables, faculty, etc., please contact the Master’s Degree Secretary’s Office.