Mestrado en Enerxía e Sustentabilidade

Memoria vixente do Título (2018) Informe Final de Avaliación da Solicitude de Modificación do Plano de Estudos (11/01/2013) Informe Final de Avaliación da Solicitude de Verificación do Título (13/05/2009) Información sobre indicadores/resultados previstos: Taxa de rendemento: non prevista no deseño do título Taxa de abandono: 7% Taxa de eficiencia: 90% Taxa de graduación: 85% Información sobre outras taxas que o título fai públicas (SGIC), taxas de inserción laboral…: Estudo da inserción laboral dos titulados no Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ACSUG) Seguimento do Título

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Associate Dean of Academic Organization

Responsible for the following aspects, among others: Organizing the academic aspects of the EEI (calendars, timetable, exams,…) Institutional Relations Coordinating cultural events and activities Controlling and monitoring field work and study visits at the EEI  

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Associate Dean of Infrastructures

Responsible for all aspects related to the School’s infrastructures, including: Managing and maintaining the infrastructures of the EEI Managing the software for computer rooms Introducing and monitoring new technologies at the EEI Introducing and monitoring the Labor Risks Prevention Plan of the EEI  

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Associate Dean of Students

The duties of this Associate Dean are, among others: Interacting with the Student Representatives Channelling student-related matters Interacting (orientation talks, visits,…) with non-university academic institutions Coordinating cultural and sports events and activities at the EEI  

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Associate Dean of Planning

Responsible for the following aspects, among others: Introducing and monitoring the Bologna adaptation course at the EEI Introducing and monitoring the program of studies of the Master´s Degree in Industrial Engineering  

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Associate Dean of Quality

The main duties of this Assistant Dean are, among others: Responsibility for the Internal Quality Assurance System Academic coordination of the Bachelor’s Degrees at the EEI Monitoring and analysis of academic results    

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Associate Dean of External Relations

This Assistant Dean is responsible for the following aspects, among others: Managing student and staff exchanges with other institutions Institutional relations with other international institutions Introducing and monitoring double-degree programs Foreign language programs for students and faculty Introducing the Teaching in English Program    

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Subdirector de Relacións coas Empresas

Esta Subdirección encárgase, principalmente de: Contactar coas empresas/entidades para elaborar unha oferta de prácticas curriculares adaptada ás especificidades do noso alumnado Coordinar a xestión das prácticas académicas curriculares Formalizar convenios de cooperación educativa  

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At the present time, both institutions combined bring together approximately just over 4,000 registered students and 350 faculty members from 15 different departments. They occupy 3 buildings and a total built area of almost 60,000 m2, divided into two different locations: The City Site (Sede Cidade), which include the buildings and facilities of the old EUETI. They are located in Conde de Torrecedeira Street in the city of Vigo. The Campus Site (Sede Campus), which include the buildings and facilities of the old ETSEI. They are located in the Lagoas-Marcosende University Campus.    

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