Erasmus program

O programa Erasmus-Estudos permite que os alumnos da EEI poidan cursar unha parte dos seus estudos noutras universidades europeas coas que a Universidade de Vigo asinou acordos bilaterais de intercambio de estudantes. Os alumnos de último curso da súa titulación poden optar a esta bolsa para cursar un semestre da súa especialidade en mobilidade. Estes alumnos deben facer a solicitude o ano anterior a aquel en que se levará a cabo a mobilidade. Para os estudantes de Grao a mobilidade Erasmus-Estudos realizarase preferentemente no segundo cuadrimestre de 4º curso. Para os estudantes do Mestrado de Enxeñería Industrial que cursan unha …

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Free Mobility

Free mobility is a temporary academic stay in a foreign higher education institution to pursue studies related to an official degree from the University of Vigo, without the requirement of having been granted mobility within programs or agreements signed by the University of Vigo. In order to be able to apply for the status of free mobility, students must meet the following criteria: Being enrolled in the University of Vigo as an official student in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD program at the moment of application and during the stay. In the case of undergraduates, having successfully completed at least …

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ISEP Program

ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) is a network of over 200 universities worldwide designed to promote the physical mobility of graduate students and undergraduates in the final years of their degrees. Through this program, in which only seven Spanish universities are involved, the cost of spending a semester or a full academic year in the USA is about one tenth of what it would normally be. Through ISEP, students of the University of Vigo can spend a full academic year (August-May) or a semester (August-December or January-May) in an American university. They can choose from over 150 universities in the …

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University Grants Program

Each year, the University of Vigo also offers its own university grants for students who wish to pursue their studies in different not European universities. The grant finances stays of a semester in the destination insitutions, which include Universities of countries like:: Argentina Brazil Chile China Japan Mexico Uruguay Documents and links Mobility programs 2014 More information about University Grants Program  

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GE4 Program

The GE4 Program was created by a private association in 1996 with the support of promote the mobility of engineers and entrepreneurs throughout the world. The University of Vigo participates in the GE4 exchange program for schools of Engineering, within the framework of an agreement between both institutions. The GE4 (Global Education: Exchanges for Engineers and Entrepreneurs) is an association whose goal is to promote excellence exchanges among students and faculty members in the area of engineering. Exchanges are carried out on a reciprocity basis among the different universities that participate in the GE4 network. Some European destinations Mines Albi …

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Banco Santander Grants

Through a cooperation agreement between the University of Vigo and Banco Santander, students have access to two types of grants from Banco Santander: Formula Santander Grants: Aimed at graduate and/or postgraduate students from Spanish, Brasilian or British universities to attend several Latin American universities. Iberoamerica Grants: For postgraduate students who wish to pursue a semester of their studies in a Latin American country.   Documents and links More information about Banco Santander Grants  

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Erasmus internships

O Programa Erasmus-Internships (Erasmus Prácticas) permite realizar estadías prácticas en empresas e institucións da Unión Europea, incluídas universidades. Ao abeiro deste programa podes realizar prácticas extracurriculares en empresas no estranxeiro. Tamén podes facer unha estadía nos laboratorios doutra universidade europea para levar a cabo un traballo práctico que che sirva para o TFG / TFM. Consulta a lista de destinos que se actualizará anualmente. A duración mínima da mobilidade é de 2 meses pero poden realizarse estadías por períodos superiores. Cada estudante pode participar no programa Erasmus+ (estudos e/ou prácticas) durante un período máximo de 12 meses por ciclo de …

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Vulcanus Program

Vulcanus Program This program consists in industrial work placements in Japan. It begins in September and ends in August of the following year, to accommodate the academic year in EU Member States. Students follow: a one-week seminar on Japan an intensive fourth-month Japanese language course an eight-month work placement in a Japanese company Documents and links More information about Vulcanus Program  

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EEI Mobility Students

A través do programa Erasmus-Estudos ou do programa de Bolsas Propias poderás cursar un semestre da especialidade nalgunha das universidades, tanto de Europa como do resto do mundo, coas que a Escola ou a Universidade ten asinados convenios de intercambio de estudos. Tamén é posible realizar intercambios con universidades de Asia, Rusia e Australia a través do programa GE4 e con Estados Unidos a través do programa ISEP.  O programa SICUE permite cursar estudos de Grao noutras universidades españolas. O programa Erasmus-Internships permite realizar estadías en empresas e institucións da Unión Europea. Ao abeiro deste programa podes realizar prácticas en …

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Incoming Students

The School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Vigo consists of three buildings in two different locations. They are both in the city of Vigo, but about 11 km away from each other: City Site Campus Site Mobility students are advised to take subjects either in City or in Campus (but not in both) to facilitate timetable compatibility. For academic matters only (Learning agreements, courses, exams, timetables, etc.) please contact the International Coordinator of the School. For all other questions regarding your mobility (acceptance letter, accommodation, certificate of arrival and departure, activities for incoming exchange students, visas, etc.) please …

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