Examination Calendar

Academic Year 2019/2020

The Permanent Board of the School of Engineering-EEI approved the exams calendar on 17 June 2019.

During an extraordinary session held on April 20th 2020, the Permanent Board of the EEI agreed to postpone the final exams two weeks as a consequence of the suspension of activities due to the health emergency. That is, the exams will take place in the same weekday as initially scheduled, but two weeks later with respect to the original date (they will be shifted from day i to day i+2 weeks). For example, an exam scheduled for May 11th at 16:00h in room X will be held on May 25th at the same hour and in the same room as initially planned.

Bachelor Degrees

Dibujito rojoBachelor Degrees taught at the City

Dibujito rojoBachelor Degrees taught at Campus

Dibujito rojoLevelling courses for pre-Bolonia degree

Master’s Degree

Dibujito rojoMaster’s Degrees (Industrial Engineering)