The Dean

The Dean represents the School and is responsible for its daily management. He presides over and coordinates the actions of its governing bodies and implements the agreements they reach.

The duties of the Dean of the School of Engineering (EEI), with the assistance of the governing team, are as follows:

  • Representing the EEI
  • Calling and chairing the meetings of the Board of the EEI
  • Implementing the agreements of the EEI
  • Supervising the functioning of the services of the EEI
  • Directing the ordinary management of the EEI
  • Calling and chairing the meetings of the Permanent Committee and the Degree Board
  • Implementing the agreements of the Permanent Committee and the Degree Board
  • Having heard the opinion of the School Board, proposing the opening of disciplinary proceedings against any member of the EEI. In the case of a faculty member, the proposal shall be sent to the appropriate Department or administrative unit
  • Enforcing teaching and office hour schedules.
  • All those attributed to him/her by current legislation, the Statutes of the University of Vigo and the Internal Regulations of the EEI