Administrative Services

The administrative services of the school are: Administration Economic Staff Academic Staff Postgraduate Staff Support Services Area for School and Departments Research and Transfer Support Area Administrative Support Staff Concierge

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Technological Area Departments T01 – Design in Engineering T02 – Electrical Engineering T03 – Mechanical Engineering, Heat Engines & Machines, and Fluids T04 – Chemical Engineering T05 – Materials Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Construction T06 – Natural Resources and Environment Engineering T07 – Systems Engineering and Automatisms T08 – Applied Physics T11 – Electronics Technology T15 – Computer Sciences T16 – Applied Mathematics I T17 – Applied Mathematics II Scientific Area Departments C07 – Analytical and Food Chemistry C09 – Inorganic Chemistry C11 – Physical Chemistry C12 – Organic Chemistry Legal-social Area Departments X09 – Business Organisation and Marketing Humanities …

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Contido Normativa Normativa da Escola de Enxeñería Industrial (EEI) Normativa da Universidade de Vigo Normativa Estatal Procedementos Formularios Normativa  Normativa da Escola de Enxeñería Industrial (EEI) Regulamento de réxime interno Normativa de composición da Comisión de Garantía de Calidade Normativa de composición da Xunta de Titulación Regulamento do traballo fin de grao Regulamento do traballo fin de mestrado Regulamento traballo fin de mestrado en empresa Protocolo de confidencialidade TFG e TFM realizados en empresas ou centros de investigación externos Sistema de avaliación nos graos Accións académicas e de coordinación vertical e horizontal emprendidas nas titulacións de grao da EEI Regulamento …

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Co obxectivo de favorecer a mellora continua das titulacións impartidas na Escola de Enxeñería Industrial (EEI), garantindo un nivel de calidade que facilite a súa acreditación, considérase necesario desenvolver un Sistema de Garantía Interna de Calidade (SGIC). O SGIC da Escola de Enxeñería Industrial foi deseñado acorde ao Programa FIDES-AUDIT, promovido por ANECA, AQU-Catalunya e ACSUG. Desta forma todos os títulos oficiais de grao e mestrado impartidos na Escola de Enxeñería Industrial axústanse ao establecido no Real Decreto 822/2021, de 28 de septiembre, polo que se establece a organización das ensinanzas universitarias e do procedemento de aseguramento da súa calidade,  …

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Ethical commitment

Values matter Different rankings and studies show that, among the most relevant skills for companies, honesty and ethical commitment, the ability to learn and adapt to change and teamwork stand out. Companies point to interpersonal and communication skills, the ability to analyse and solve problems, results orientation, technical knowledge of the profession and the ability to work in multicultural and multidisciplinary environments as another group of competences that are necessary for the correct performance of professional activity. For this reason, within the framework of the Strategic Plan, the School of Industrial Engineering seeks to achieve three objectives: to provide good …

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The School

The School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Vigo emerged from the combination into a single institution of the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, ETSII) and the University School of Industrial Technical Engineering (Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial, EUITI), both devoted to university education in the field of industrial engineering. As a teaching institution, it is responsible for the administrative management and organization of the university courses leading to the following academic degrees: Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering Bachelor’s …

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At the present time, both institutions combined bring together approximately just over 4,000 registered students and 350 faculty members from 15 different departments. They occupy 3 buildings and a total built area of almost 60,000 m2, divided into two different locations: The City Site (Sede Cidade), which include the buildings and facilities of the old EUETI. They are located in Conde de Torrecedeira Street in the city of Vigo. The Campus Site (Sede Campus), which include the buildings and facilities of the old ETSEI. They are located in the Lagoas-Marcosende University Campus.    

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One of the characteristics of the engineering degrees is their experimental nature. This makes the role of infrastructures crucial for the correct development of the activities. In recent years, the EEI has invested heavily in equipment for computer rooms and laboratories, both in the scientific and technological areas, and it now offers modern facilities that meet the present-day demands. The EEI has over 550 computer workstations in its classrooms, as well as two servers and a virtual classroom for a total of 50 users or sessions. Among the infrastructures of the EEI, we should mention: Laboratories Computer Rooms Classrooms and …

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Difusión web en formato RSS A web da EEI difunde o contido do apartado de novidades e eventos a través das seguintes fontes en formato RSS: RSS de novidades RSS de eventos Listas de correo electrónico A dirección da EEI dispón de varias listas de correo que emprega para o envío de información aos membros da escola. Están dispoñibles tres listas de correo nas que a solicitude de subscrición é publica e voluntaria: [eei.alumnos]: lista para tódolos alumnos da EEI (subscríbete aquí) [eei.pdi]: lista para os profesores da EEI (subscríbete aquí) [eei.pas]: lista para o persoal de administración e servizos …

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Eleccións dos membros da Comisión Permanente da EEI e da Xunta de Titulación da EEI (2019)

Xunta Electoral A Xunta Electoral de Centro para o curso 2018/2019 está composta, de acordo ó sorteo público realizado con data 2 de novembro de 2018, polos seguientes membros: Presidente (Director da EEI): Pardo Froján, Juan Enrique Secretario (Secretario da EEI): Izquierdo Belmonte, Pablo Personal docente e investigador Titular: Armesto Quiroga, José Ignacio Suplente 1: Cabaleiro Núñez, Manuel Suplente 2: López Sánchez, Óscar Estudantes Titular: Iglesias Martínez, Pedro Suplente 1: Arias González, Héctor Suplente 2: Valderrama Bande, Manuel Antonio Personal de administración y servicios Titular: Ordax, Jesús Joaquín Suplente 1: Dorrio Rodríguez, Araceli Suplente 2: Vieito Fernández, Mª Begoña Calendario …

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