The word engine appeared in the 2nd century to refer to machines or devices, and the people handling them were popularly known as engineers. One of their duties was the creation of means and instruments to make human work easier. The first nation in the world to organize Schools of Engineering was France. In the 18th century, while in England all efforts were devoted to technical invention and commercial and business promotion, France, a more centralized nation, organized engineers in rigidly structured bodies. Those bodies would be the basis for the first schools. In Spain, the origin of academic training …
Category: The school
Mission of the School of Industrial Engineering
The School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Vigo is a public institution of a markedly technological character. Its mission is to contribute to progress and innovation among businesses and institutions: Through the integral training of qualified professionals committed to social transformation, through quality research, and through the transfer of multidisciplinary knowledge.
Vision 2020-2030 of the School of Industrial Engineering
The EEI is a School that, being open to the world, is a leader and benchmark School in Industrial Engineering in Galicia and the Peninsular north-west, due to the employability of our graduates and our ties to industry, companies and related institutions, our academic offer adapted to the needs of industrial partners and our applied research. We are a university community comprised of students, administrative staff and teaching & research staff who are highly committed to quality of service in the EEI and have a strong sense of belonging. Tthe motto that guides our purpose can be summarized in: “To …
City Site
CITY SITE Rúa Conde de Torrecedeira nº 86 36208 Vigo, Pontevedra (Spain) Phone: +34 986 813 688 Fax: +34 986 813 644 Lat: 42.22727901512417 (42º 13′ 38.2" N) Lon: -8.734563883627288 (8º 44′ 4.43" W) The city facilities of the EEI are located in the center of the city of Vigo, in Torrecedeira Street. The main building was designed by the architect D. Jenaro de La Fuente. The annexed building houses the Office of the Registrar of the University of Vigo.
Pantallas da Escola
¿Que se está a proxectar nas pantallas da EEI? Se queres saber o qué se está a proxectar nas pantallas da EEI, pincha sobre a imaxe ¿Que podo anunciar? Podes publicitar tanto eventos (cursos, conferencias, seminarios, congresos,…) como outras actividades de interese para a comunidade universitaria. ¿Que debo enviar? Debes enviar a información a publicar nun arquivo JPG cun formato 16:9 (1280*720 px). Deberás indicar o período durante o que o anuncio estará publicado nas pantallas da EEI. A información deberá enviarse como mínimo 5 días antes da data prevista para a súa publicación.
A identidade corporativa pretende definir as liñas visuais que marquen a nova imaxe da Escola de Enxeñería Industrial establecendo unas recomendacións co obxectivo de dotar de coherencia a comunicación da institución. A Universidade de Vigo, conta cunha Área de Imaxe que ten como propósito asesorar á comunidade universitaria para o correcto uso de los símbolos gráficos que representan á institución. A imaxe corporativa consta por un lado do logotipo e por outro das tipografías, ao que lle hay que sumar unha serie de documentos básicos ou patróns. Logotipo O logotipo da Escola de Enxeñería consta da contracción EEI realizada coa …
Name Phone Department Web Por favor escriba aquí o nome do contacto… Apellidos, Nombre Telefono Departamento Por favor escriba aquí o nome do contacto… Apellidos, Nombre Telefono Departamento
Os órganos de goberno da EEI son os seguintes: Xunta de Escola Comisión Permanente Xunta de Titulación Comisión de Garantía da Calidade
Administrative Services
The administrative services of the school are: Administration Economic Staff Academic Staff Postgraduate Staff Support Services Area for School and Departments Research and Transfer Support Area Administrative Support Staff Concierge