Postgraduate Staff – Master´s Degrees and PhD Programs

CAMPUS SITE Campus Universitario Lagoas-Marcosende 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra Teléfono: +34 986 818 628 Postgraduate Staff – Master´s Degree: David Monroy Soage e-mail:, Phone: +34 986 818 627 Postgraduate Staff – Master´s Degree and PhD Programs: Ana Belén García Alonso e-mail: Phone: +34 986 818 638  Leader of Postgraduate Staff – Master´s Degrees and PhD Programs:  Cristina Morgadas Lois e-mail:;, Phone: +34 986 818 638  

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Computer Rooms

The growing use of advanced computer software as an essential tool to complement teaching activities is, undoubtedly, a distinguishing element. In this regard, the EEI offers the main software packages for design and manufacturing, finite elements calculations, structural calculation and design, and process simulation, among others, due to important agreements with the main software companies. At the present time, the EEI offers over 550 computer workstations at its two locations.      

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Support Services Area for School and Departments

 CAMPUS SITE Head of Area: Julia Mencía Castro, e-mail:, Phone: +34 986 813 583 Head of Business Unit: Mª Luz Pereira Barbosa, e-mail:, Phone: +34 986 813 583 Rosa Mª Estévez Fernández, e-mail:, Phone: +34 986 813 583 Office clerk: Beatriz Varela Fernando, e-mail:, Phone: +34 986 812 211 CITY SITE Head of Bussiness Unit: Luz Mª Fernández Massaguer e-mail:, Phone: +34 986 813 988 Head of General enquiries Unit María Cruz Hernández Núñez email:, Phone: +34 986 813 689

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Classrooms and Seminar Rooms

The EEI offers ample teaching spaces, including large-capacity classrooms for larger groups and for those activities (courses, seminars,…) aimed at large numbers of students. In addition, it also offers a significant number of seminar rooms for more specific activities, in which appropriate group dynamics and greater interaction between students and faculty are advisable.    

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Research and Transfer Support Area

CAMPUS SITE Head of Area Sofía Alba Fernández, e-mail:, Phone: +34 986 813 778 Head of Unit Carolina A. Enriquez de Salamanca Holzinguer, email:, Phone: +34 986 813 778 Susana Fernández Daparte, e-mail:, Phone: +34 986 813 778

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Study Rooms

Since the EEI exists for its students, there are reading and meeting areas where they can do their homework or work together. They also have free access to a computer room equipped with over 30 computers and a printer, so they can do their course work without having to have their own computers.      

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Administrative Support Staff

CITY SITE Calle Conde de Torrecedeira nº 86 36208 Vigo, Pontevedra Phone: +34 986 813 688 Fax: +34 986 813 644 CAMPUS SITE Campus Universitario Lagoas-Marcosende 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra Phone: +34 986 812 200 Fax: +34 986 812 201 Leader of Afministrative Support Staff Mª Cruz Hernández Núñez, e-mail:, Phobe: +34 986 813 689 Documentos e enlaces Documentación Eleccións á dirección da EEI 2023 Documentación Eleccións á Comisión Permanente da Escola 2023 Documentación Eleccións á Xunta de Escola 2022 Documentación Eleccións a Reitor e Membros do Claustro 2022 Documentación Eleccións dos membros da Comisión Permanente e Xunta de Titulación …

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Virtual Classroom

In recent years, the EEI has been tackling the implementation of a virtualization project. The project is based on the existence of very powerful computers (supercomputers) which allow several sessions to be open at the same time. Virtualization consists in creating multiple sessions using a physical high-capacity computer, or supercomputer, and specific software. Each session is defined as a virtual machine that uses part of the resources of the supercomputer, and that contains all the software being used in the teaching activity. That is to say, each virtual machine behaves as a physical computer in which each user can work …

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CITY SITE Rúa Conde de Torrecedeira nº 86 36208 Vigo, Pontevedra (Spain) Phone: +34 986 813 688 Fax: +34 986 813 644 E-mail: CAMPUS SITE Campus Universitario Lagoas-Marcosende 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra (Spain) Phone: +34 986 812 200 Fax: +34 986 812 201 E-mail: EDIFICIO FUNDICIÓN Campus Universitario Lagoas-Marcosende 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra (Spain) Phone: +34 986 812 225 E-mail:

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Technical support

Campus Universitario Lagoas-Marcosende 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra Phone: +34 986 811 939 e-mail: Documents and links Siatec web page  

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