Solicitude Os profesores deberán entregar no Negociado de Asuntos Xerais da EEI, ou ben por email a, con copia a, dentro do prazo establecido, a seguinte documentación: Formulario de solicitude de xestión das prácticas de campo e saídas de estudos no que constan os datos da actividade a realizar Impreso de conformidade asinado polos coordinadores das materias afectadas. O profesor solicitante será o responsable de que non se causen prexuízos ao resto das materias Previsión de gastos no caso de actividades de máis dun día de duración Prazo O prazo para presentar as solicitudes para o 1º cuadrimestre …
Category: Studies
General Information
Student Access Students who passed the university entrance exam Admission (pre-registration) through the process set up by the Galician Inter-University Committee will be carried out according to the established online procedure. In order to enroll in the first year for the first time, a student must have been previously granted admission. Other students In other cases (ECTS credit recognition, conversion courses, adaptation of a former official degree to the new Bachelor’s Degrees, etc.), the admission process will follow the procedures established for each case in rule number two of the enrollment regulations of the University of Vigo. Available places 2025/2026 …
Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering
240 Credits 4 Years 61 Places On-campus Description of the studies The objective of the Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering from the University of Vigo is to provide graduates with the knowledge, techniques, abilities and attitudes inherent to the profession, and to prepare them to organize productive systems, improve them and manage the resources involved in industrial activities and services in a rational and sustainable way. Due to the combination of technological and management contents covered, one of the main characteristics of the Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering is the flexibility to successfully face the wide variety of …
Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering
240 Credits 4 Years 50 Places On-campus Description of the studies Graduates in Electrical Engineering are bound to work in the management of electric power systems, electric facilities and drives, and in the transport and distribution of electric power, which are areas that require graduates with specific training in this field. Such graduates must also fill positions in emerging sectors that have a growing impact on present-day society, such as electric traction and renewable energies, particularly the generation of electric power through wind and photovoltaic systems. These are areas that have expanded significantly in our country in recent years and …
Biomedical Engineering
240 Credits 4 Years 36 Places On-campus Description of the studies Biomedical Engineering is a new Engineering branch focused on the appliance of Engineering principles, techniques and methods into Medicine. It is therefore an interdisciplinary grade, relatively new, where techniques from Industrial Engineering (such as mechanical engineering, electronics and automation engineering, chemical engineering, organisational engineering,…), Computer Engineering, and Telecommunications Engineering are applied in order to analyse and solve problems concerning 21st century Medicine. The Biomedical Engineering degree provides a general training in all these fields and also allows the students to specialise during the second semester of the third year …
Students from Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering
Os alumnos procedentes do Grao en Enxeñería en Tecnoloxías Industriais da Escola de Enxeñería Industrial de Vigo realizarán o seguinte itinerario: Denominación Código Nº Créditos Módulo Obrigatorio OB 6 ECTS Módulo de Tecnoloxías Industriais TrTI 30 ECTS Módulo de Xestión TrG 15 ECTS Módulo de Instalacións, Plantas e Construcións TrIPC 15 ECTS Módulo de Orientación OR 30 ECTS Traballo Fin de Mestrado TFM 24 ECTS O módulo de orientación consta de varias materias que aportarán unha orientación xa que estos alumnos teñen unha formación de carácter xeral en enxeñería industrial e deberán adquirir un perfil específico durante o mestrado. Ofrécense …
Students from specialist Bachelor’s Degree
Os alumnos procedentes dos Graos Especialistas do ámbito industrial da Escola de Enxeñería Industrial de Vigo realizarán o seguinte itinerario: Denominación Código Nº Créditos Módulo de Adaptación ADP 30 ECTS Módulo Obrigatorio OB 6 ECTS Módulo de Tecnoloxías Industriais TrTI 30 ECTS Módulo de Xestión TrG 15 ECTS Módulo de Instalacións, Plantas e Construcións TrIPC 15 ECTS Traballo Fin de Mestrado TFM 24 ECTS O módulo de adaptación consta de materias diversas para adaptar aos alumnos procedentes dos Graos Especialistas da EEI para que poidan afrontar con garantías as materias troncais dos módulos de Tecnoloxías industriais, de xestión e de …
Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering
240 Credits 4 Years 50 Places On-campus Description of the studies The Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering provides training grounded on the theoretical bases and on the specific technologies related to this field. Graduates in Industrial Chemical Engineering are responsible for the design, maintenance and operation of chemical process equipment. Therefore, they study the control and instrumentation of chemical processes, experiment with organic and inorganic substances, heat transfer, matter transfer, fluid flow, and chemical reaction engineering. In addition, they study the use of raw materials, the chemistry of natural products, the analysis of manufacturing processes, environmental pollution and industrial …
Other Graduates
Neste grupo atópanse os outros titulados de Graos con perfís tales que a Orde CIN/311/2009 lles permita o acceso ao mestrado, cos complementos de formación que procedan en cada caso. Complementos de Formación Para establecer os complementos de formación aos alumnos deste grupo, terase en conta a titulación de procedencia e compararase o expediente académico coa formación incluída no Grao en Enxeñería en Tecnoloxías Industriais da Escola de Enxeñería Industrial da Universidade de Vigo. Os complementos de formación non formarán parte do Mestrado en Enxeñería Industrial e estarán constituídos por materias impartidas nalgún dos Graos da EEI. A Comisión Permanente …
Academic Calendar
Academic calendar for the 2024/2025 course The Permanent Board approved the academic calendar for the 2024/2025 course on 28 June, 2024. We kindly ask you to check frequently the website of the School to get up-to-date information.. Bachelor’s Degrees Start of the educational activity ⇒ 9 September, 2024 Start of the 2nd Semester ⇒ 28 January, 2025 IMPORTANT!: There has been a change in the feast of Saint Tomás Aquino, which will now be celebrated on January 27, 2025. The 2nd semester will begin on January 28. Senior year final exams ⇒ From 2 to 12 Septembre, 2024 Final Exams …