Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering

240 Créditos 4 Cursos 50 Plazas Presencial   Description of the studies The Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering provides training grounded on the theoretical bases and on the specific technologies related to this field. Graduates in Industrial Chemical Engineering are responsible for the design, maintenance and operation of chemical process equipment. Therefore, they study the control and instrumentation of chemical processes, experiment with organic and inorganic substances, heat transfer, matter transfer, fluid flow, and chemical reaction engineering. In addition, they study the use of raw materials, the chemistry of natural products, the analysis of manufacturing processes, environmental pollution and …

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Academic Calendar

Academic calendar for the 2024/2025 course The Permanent Board approved the academic calendar for the 2024/2025 course on 28 June, 2024. We kindly ask you to check frequently the website of the School to get up-to-date information.. Bachelor’s Degrees Start of the educational activity ⇒ 9 September, 2024 Start of the 2nd Semester ⇒ 27 January, 2025 Senior year final exams ⇒ From 2 to 12 Septembre, 2024 Final Exams 1st Semester ⇒ From 8 to 24 January, 2025 Final Exams 2nd Semester ⇒ From 21 May to 6 de June, 2025 Final Exams 2nd Opportunity (for subjects of 1st …

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Curso 2024/2025 Os horarios do curso 2024/2025 foron aprobados pola Comisión Permanente da EEI celebrada o 12 de xullo de 2024. Proximamente estarán dispoñibles os horarios de todos os graos.. É importante permanecer atentos ás novas e ás listas de correo por se houbese que facer algún tipo de axuste por razón de carácter organizativo. Titulacións de Grao 1º curso Sede Campus (A01 – A08). Sede Cidade (A09 – A015). Grao en Enxeñería Biomédica Sede Campus. Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro. Grao en Enxeñería Eléctrica Grao en Enxeñería Electrónica Industrial e Automática Sede Campus. Sede Cidade. Grao en Enxeñería Mecánica Sede Campus. …

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Academic Planning

A organización docente apróbase pola Comisión Permanente do Centro antes do comezo de cada curso académico, de tal xeito que os estudantes poidan dispoñer daquela información relativa ao desenvolvemento da actividade académica antes de formalizar a súa matrícula. É moi importante estar atento a esta información ao longo do curso por si se tivese producido algún axuste ou modificación por causas sobrevidas. Desde a Escola, séguese a traballar para que a actividade docente póidase desenvolver garantindo a seguridade de todas as persoas e co mellor aproveitamento posible. Para elo, lémbrase a importancia de cumprir os protocolos establecidos polas autoridades competentes …

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Academic Offer

The School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Vigo combines the former University School of Industrial Technical Engineering and the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers. It is devoted to teaching in the field of Engineering, through a versatile and up-to-date academic offer of different Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD Degree Programs. Official EEI Bachelor’s Degree Programs (240 ECTS credits) Industrial Technologies Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering Industrial Organization Engineering Industrial Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Automotive Engineering – Dual training (academia+industry) (Rollout for the 2024/25 academic year) Double degrees Double degree in Industrial Electronics & …

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Bachelor’s Degree

The School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Vigo is devoted to teaching in the field of Industrial Engineering, through a versatile and up-to-date academic offer of several Bachelor’s Degree Programs. In response to the new needs and requirements of society, the School has incorporated the bachelor degree of Biomedical Engineering to the available studies. The following Bachelor’s Degree Programs are taught in the City Site: Industrial Chemical Engineering Industrial Technologies Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering The following are taught in the Campus Site: Industrial Organization Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering …

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120 Credits 2 academic years 50 vacancies Face-to-face classes Contact information Academic staff David Monroy Soage Tel: (+34) 986 818 627 e-mail: Coordinator David Álvarez González e-mail: Master’s Degree Description According to section 16.1 of Royal Decree 822/201, establishing the organization of official university studies and the quality assurance procedure, “The purpose of the teaching provided in master’s degrees is for students to have advanced training, specialist or multidisciplinary, focused on academic or professional specialization, or on the promotion of an initiation to research work.” In Spain, to get accredited as professional engineer at master level (“ingeniero industrial”), it …

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Teaching in English

The School of Engineering-EEI offers a catalog of English-taught subjects. Teaching in English for the academic year 2024/2025 Teaching in English for the academic year 2023/2024 Teaching in English for the academic year 2022/2023 Teaching in English for the academic year 2021/2022 Teaching in English for the academic year 2020/2021 Teaching in English for the academic year 2019/2020 Teaching in English for the academic year 2018/2019 Teaching in English for the academic year 2017/2018 Teaching in English for the academic year 2016/2017 Teaching in English for the academic year 2015/2016 The lectures and at least one of the practical groups …

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Specialized Master’s Degrees

The current academic offer includes different Specialized Master’s Degrees that are closely related to the business sector in Galicia: Master’s Degree in Automotive Engineering Master’s Degree in Mecatronics Master’s Degree in Labor Risk Prevention Master’s Degree in Supply Chain Management and Innovation Master`s Degree in Industry 4.0  Master’s Degree in Energy and Sustainabilit

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PhD Programs

The research stage is carried out through the Research Master’s Degrees or the PhD Programs, all of which have been awarded the Mention for Excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Education: Research on Advanced Technologies and Processes in Industry Chemical Engineering Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Engineering and Architecture

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