Preregistration and Enrollment The preregistration and enrollment process for all the programs of studies offered by the University of Vigo is done online through the University of Vigo’s general application website ( If you need more information about the enrollment process, deadlines, fees, etc., please see the Vigo University Website. Further Information If you have any questions about the preregistration and enrollment process, please contact the EEI Academic Area. Documents and links The University of Vigo Enrollment Guidelines Enrollment Timetable Enrollment application
Category: Studies
Teaching in English for academic year 2018/2019
In the academic year 2018/2019 the School of Industrial Engineering of the Universtity of Vigo envisages a program taugth in English. Teaching in English foreseen fot academic year 2018/2019 in: 1st year: all Bachelor Degrees (group C), Campus Site 2nd year: Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering (group 2º M1), Campus Site 2nd year: Bachelor Degree in Technology Engineering (group 2º T1), City Site 3rd year: Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering (group 3º M1), Campus Site 3rd year: Bachelor Degree in Technology Engineering (group 3º T1), City Site 4th year: all Bachelor Degrees (group X1) 1st year: Master´s Degree (group MII), …
Adaptation Course to the Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering
Distribution of places and specific selection criteria: 75% for those who received their degree in the four academic years immediately before the academic year in which they want to enroll. For this admission, each of the following criteria will be considered, in the order in which they appear: Degree in Industrial Technical Engineering, Electricity major, from the University of Vigo Academic record Professional experience 25% of the places will be reserved for those who have the degree, but do not meet the previous condition. For this admission, each of the following criteria will be considered, in the order in …
Teaching in English foreseen for academic year 2016/2017
In the academic year 2016/2017, the School of Industrial Engineering of the Universtity of Vigo envisages a program taugth in English. Teaching in English foreseen fot academic year 2016/2017 in: 1st year: all Bachelor Degrees (group C), Campus Site 2nd year: Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering (group 2º M1), Campus Site 2nd year: Bachelor Degree in Technology Engineering (group 2º T1), City Site 2nd year: Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering (group 2º T1), City Site 3rd year: Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering (group 3º M1), Campus Site 3rd year: Bachelor Degree in Technology Engineering (group 3º T1), City Site 4th …
Adaptation Course to the Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Distribution of places and specific selection criteria: 75% for those who received their degree in the four academic years immediately before the academic year in which they want to enroll. For this admission, each of the following criteria will be considered, in the order in which they appear: Degree in Industrial Technical Engineering, Mechanics major, from the University of Vigo Academic record Professional experience 25% of the places will be reserved for those who have the degree, but do not meet the previous condition. For this admission, each of the following criteria will be considered, in the order in which …
Academic year 2015/2016 courses in English
In the academic year 2015/2016, the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Vigo will teach several of its courses in English. The Teaching in English program will be taught during the academic year 2015/2016 in: 1st year: all Bachelor Degrees (group C), Campus Site 4th year: all Bachelor Degrees (group X1) 1st year: Master´s Degree in Engineering (group MII), Campus Site 2nd year: Master´s Degree in Engineering (group MII), Campus Site Code Subject ECTS Semester Group 1st year – All Bachelor Degrees (Campus Site) V12-GXXX101 Engineering Graphics 9.00 1º 1ºC V12-GXXX103 Algebra & Statistics (only statistics in …
Adaptation Course to the Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering
Distribution of places and specific selection criteria: 75% for those who received their degree in the four academic years immediately before the academic year in which they want to enroll. For this admission, each of the following criteria will be considered, in the order in which they appear: Degree in Industrial Technical Engineering, Industrial Electronics major, from the University of Vigo Academic record Professional experience 25% of the places will be reserved for those who have the degree, but do not meet the previous condition. For this admission, each of the following criteria will be considered, in the order in …
General Information and Enrollment
The structure of the Professional Master’s Degrees guarantees that students will be able to obtain their degrees after completing 60 ECTS. Their distribution depends on the individual program of studies for each degree. Enrollment Type Ordinary Full-Time Enrollment: Anyone who meets the required admission criteria can opt for this type of enrollment, which can be full-time (from 48 to 60 ECTS) or part-time (at least 24 ECTS), provided it has been approved by the Master’s Degree Academic Commission. Offer Master’s Degree in Automotive Engineering Master’s Degree in Mecatronics Master’s Degree in Labor Risk Prevention Master’s Degree in Supply Chain Management …
Biomedical Engineering
240 Credits 4 Years 36 Places On-campus Description of the studies Biomedical Engineering is a new Engineering branch focused on the appliance of Engineering principles, techniques and methods into Medicine. It is therefore an interdisciplinary grade, relatively new, where techniques from Industrial Engineering (such as mechanical engineering, electronics and automation engineering, chemical engineering, organisational engineering,…), Computer Engineering, and Telecommunications Engineering are applied in order to analyse and solve problems concerning 21st century Medicine. The Biomedical Engineering degree provides a general training in all these fields and also allows the students to specialise during the second semester of the third year …
Students from Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering
Os alumnos procedentes do Grao en Enxeñería en Tecnoloxías Industriais da Escola de Enxeñería Industrial de Vigo realizarán o seguinte itinerario: Denominación Código Nº Créditos Módulo Obrigatorio OB 6 ECTS Módulo de Tecnoloxías Industriais TrTI 30 ECTS Módulo de Xestión TrG 15 ECTS Módulo de Instalacións, Plantas e Construcións TrIPC 15 ECTS Módulo de Orientación OR 30 ECTS Traballo Fin de Mestrado TFM 24 ECTS O módulo de orientación consta de varias materias que aportarán unha orientación xa que estos alumnos teñen unha formación de carácter xeral en enxeñería industrial e deberán adquirir un perfil específico durante o mestrado. Ofrécense …