
Academic Year 2020/2021   Places Available 20 Demand 19 No. of newly enrolled students 10 Total number of students enrolled 37 % of foreign students enrolled 13,51 % of students from other universities 0 % of students enrolled part-time 59,45 % of students with a scholarship or pre-doctoral contract 13,51 % of thesis supervisors with living six-year terms 71,74 No. of PhD dissertations defended 2 Satisfaction of doctoral students with studies in the first year 4,1 Satisfaction of doctoral students with studies in the third year 4,17

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Academic Year 2019/2020   Places Available 20 Demand 6 No. of newly enrolled students 3 Total number of students enrolled 31 % of foreign students enrolled 12,90 % of students from other universities 0 % of students enrolled part-time 41,94 % of students with a scholarship or pre-doctoral contract 12,90 % of program students who carried out research stays 3,23 % of thesis supervisors with living six-year terms 74,47 No. of PhD dissertations defended 2 % of graduates who are working 100 % of graduates who are working according to the level of doctor 100 % of doctoral students who …

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Academic Year 2018/2019 Places Available 20 Demand 10 No. of newly enrolled students 6 Total number of students enrolled 34 % of foreign students enrolled 11,76 % of students from other universities 0 % of students enrolled part-time 35,29 % of students with a scholarship or pre-doctoral contract 20,59 % of program students who carried out research stays 8,82 % of thesis supervisors with living six-year terms 91,67 No. of PhD dissertations defended 8 % of graduates who are working 100 % of graduates who are working according to the level of doctor 87,50 % of doctoral students who get …

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Special Mentions

Internacional Mention in the Doctoral Diploma The doctoral diploma may include the mention of an international doctorate on the obverse, provided that the following circumstances concur: That during the stage of completion of the thesis the doctoral student had a minimum stay of three months outside of Spain in a prestigious higher education institution or research center, studying or carrying out research work. The stay and activities must be evaluated by the supervisor and authorized by the CAPD, and will be incorporated into the document of activities of the doctoral student. The minimum duration of the computable periods for the …

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CAPD is concerned about the mobility of doctoral students. Its activities, related to mobility, are managed in collaboration with the bodies of the University of Vigo that centrally coordinate mobility programs. In this sense, there are mobility management mechanisms, both nationally and internationally, which are developed according to programs whose characteristics and requirements are public and available centrally, managed within the framework of the Vice-Rector’s Office with mobility competencies. More information Mobility grants to attend congresses and stays Check the call International mobility programs Check the call Mobility grants from the Research Grant Plan Check the aids

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