Academic year 2015/2016 courses in English

In the academic year 2015/2016, the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Vigo will teach several of its courses in English.

The Teaching in English program will be taught during the academic year 2015/2016 in:

  • 1st year: all Bachelor Degrees (group C), Campus Site
  • 4th year: all Bachelor Degrees (group X1)
  • 1st year: Master´s Degree in Engineering (group MII), Campus Site
  • 2nd year: Master´s Degree in Engineering (group MII), Campus Site


Code Subject
ECTS Semester Group
1st year – All Bachelor Degrees (Campus Site)
V12-GXXX101  Engineering Graphics 9.00 1ºC
 V12-GXXX103  Algebra & Statistics (only statistics in English) 9.00 1ºC
 V12-GXXX203  Computering in Engineering 6.00 1ºC
 V12-GXXX205  Chemistry 6.00 1ºC
4th year – All Bachelor Degrees (Campus Site)
 V12-GXXX905  Methodology for the preparation, presentation and management of technical projects 6.00 4ºX1
V12-GXXX903  Technical English I 6.00 4ºX1
V12-GXXX904  Technical English II 6.00 4ºX1
4th year – All Bachelor Degrees (City Site)
 V12-GXXX908  Laser Technology 6.00 4ºX1
V12-GXXX903  Technical English I 6.00 4ºX1
V12-GXXX904  Technical English II 6.00 4ºX1
 1st year – Master´s Degree in Engineering (Campus Site)
V04-M141114  Calculation of machines 3.00 MII
V04-M141104  Advanced Physics 6.00 MII
V04-M141115  Thermal Technology II 3.00 MII
V04-M141222  Project Management in Engineering 3.00 MII
V04-M141215  Industrial Installations and Innovation 6.00 MII
V04-M141218  Design of Industrial Electronic Systems 4.5 MII
V04-M141216  Thermal Technology II 3.0 MII
2nd year – Master´s Degree in Engineering (Campus Site)
V04-M141339  Laser Technology Applied to Industrial Production 4.5 MII
V04-M141314  Industrial Design 6.0 MII
V04-M141316  Aided Design for Machinery 6.0 MII
V04-M141337  Industrial Installation and Innovation 6.0 MII
V04-M141341  Heat Engines 4.5 MII
V04-M141318  Project Management in Engineering 3.00 MII