Basic Skills

Royal Decree 1393/2007. Annex I. Item 3. Skills.

Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2 (

List of basic skills students must acquire during the Degree (as laid down by Royal Decree 861/2010)

  • Basic Skill 6 (BS6) – Having and grasping knowledge that serves as a basis or represents an opportunity for being original in the development and/or implementation of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Basic Skill 7 (BS7) – Students are able to apply the knowledge they acquired and their problem-solving abilities in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts linked to their field of study.
  • Basic Skill 8 (BS8)- Students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of issuing judgments on the basis of information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethic responsibilities associated with the application of students’ knowledge and judgments.
  • Basic Skill 9 (BS9) – Students are able to communicate their conclusions—and the knowledge and ultimate reasons underpinning those— to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and without ambiguities.
  • Basic Skill 10 (BS10) – Students have learning skills that allow them to keep on studying in a way that must be largely self-directed or independent.

Specific Skills

Order CIN/311/2009, of February 9, laying down the requirements for verification of official university diplomas that authorize their holders to exercise the profession of industrial engineer (

List of degree-specific skills students must acquire during the degree (as laid down by Order CIN/311/2009, of February 9)

  • Degree-Specific Skill 1 (DSS1) – Elaborating the project of, calculating and designing products, processes, installations and plants.
  • Degree-Specific Skill 2 (DSS2) – Directing, planning and supervising multidisciplinary teams.
  • Degree-Specific Skill 3 (DSS3) – Conducting research, development and innovation in relation to products, processes and methods.
  • Degree-Specific Skill 4 (DSS4) – Performing strategic planning and applying it to construction, production, quality and environmental management systems.
  • Degree-Specific Skill 5 (DSS5) – Managing projects, installations, plants, businesses and technological centers both technically and financially.
  • Degree-Specific Skill 6 (DSS6) – Being able to fulfil the role of general manager, technical manager and research, development and innovation project manager in plants, businesses and technological centers.
  • Degree-Specific Skill 7 (DSS7) – Applying the knowledge acquired and solving problems in new or little-known environments within broader multidisciplinary contexts.
  • Degree-Specific Skill 8 (DSS8) – Being able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of issuing judgments on the basis of information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethic responsibilities associated with the application of students’ knowledge and judgments.
  • Degree-Specific Skill 9 (DSS9) – Being able to communicate one’s conclusions—and the knowledge and ultimate reasons underpinning those— to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and without ambiguities.
  • Degree-Specific Skill 10 (DSS10) – Having learning skills that allow one to keep on studying in a self-directed or independent way.
  • Degree-Specific Skill 11 (DSS11) – Knowledge, comprehension and ability to apply the necessary laws in the exercise of the profession of industrial engineer.

ABET Skills

List of ABET Skills for International Accreditation (As Established in the 2013-2014 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs)

  • ABET (a) – An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
  • ABET (b) – An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  • ABET (c) – An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such aseconomic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
  • ABET (d) – An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
  • ABET (e) – An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
  • ABET (f) – An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  • ABET (g) – An ability to communicate effectively.
  • ABET (h) – The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental,and societal context.
  • ABET (i) – A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
  • ABET (j) – A knowledge of contemporary issues.
  • ABET (k) – An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Relationship between the ABET Student Outcomes according the 2022-2023 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs and the Skills attained by the program graduates.

List of ABET Skills for International Accreditation (As Established in the 2013-2014 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs)
ABET SO1 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
Related Skills ABET Skill (a): An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
ABET SO2 An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
Related Skills ABET Skill (c): An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
ABET SO3 An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
Related Skills Basic Skill 9 (BS9) and Degree-Specific Skill 9 (DSS9): Students are able to communicate their conclusions—and the knowledge and ultimate reasons underpinning those— to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and without ambiguities.
ABET Skill (g): An ability to communicate effectively.
ABET SO4 An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
Related Skills Basic Skill 8 (BS8) and Degree-Specific Skill 8 (DSS8): Students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of issuing judgments on the basis of information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethic responsibilities associated with the application of students’ knowledge and judgments.
ABET SO5 An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
Related Skills Degree-Specific Skill 2 (DSS2): Directing, planning and supervising multidisciplinary teams.
Degree-Specific Skill 4 (DSS4): Performing strategic planning and applying it to construction, production, quality and environmental management systems.
ABET Skill (d): An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
Management Skill 2 (MS2): Knowledge and abilities related to strategy and planning applied to different organizational structures.
Management Skill 6 (MS6): Abilities for work organization and human resource management. Knowledge of occupational risk prevention.
Management Skill 7 (MS7): Knowledge and abilities for integrated project management.
ABET SO6 An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
Related Skills Degree-Specific Skill 3 (DSS3): Conducting research, development and innovation in relation to products, processes and methods.
Industrial Technology-Related Skill 3 (ITS3): Ability to design and trial machines. Management Skill 8 (MS8): Ability for research, development and technological innovation management.
Installation, Plant and Construction-Related Skill 7 (IPCS7): Knowledge and abilities to perform certification, auditing and verification processes, as well as trials and reports.
ABET SO7 An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Related Skills Basic Skill 7 (BS7) Degree-Specific Skill 7 (DSS7): Students are able to apply the knowledge they acquired and their problem-solving abilities in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts linked to their field of study.
Basic Skill 10 (BS10) and Degree-Specific Skill 10 (DSS10): Students have learning skills that allow them to keep on studying in a way that must be largely self-directed or independent.
Degree-Specific Skill 3 (DSS3): Conducting research, development and innovation in relation to products, processes and methods.

Industrial Technology-related Skills

List of industrial technology-related skills students must acquire during the degree (as laid down by Order CIN/311/2009, of February 9)

  • Industrial Technology-Related Skill 1 (ITS1) – Knowledge and ability for the analysis and design of electrical power generation, transportation and distribution systems.
  • Industrial Technology-Related Skill 2 (ITS2) – Knowledge and ability to design the project of, calculate and design integrated manufacturing systems.
  • Industrial Technology-Related Skill 3 (ITS3) – Ability to design and trial machines
  • Industrial Technology-Related Skill 4 (ITS4) – Ability for the analysis and design of chemical processes.
  • Industrial Technology-Related Skill 5 (ITS5) – Knowledge and abilities for the design and analysis of heat machines and engines, hydraulic machines and industrial heat and cold installations.
  • Industrial Technology-Related Skill 6 (ITS6) – Knowledge and abilities that allow the student to understand, analyze, use and manage various energy sources.
  • Industrial Technology-Related Skill 7 (ITS7) – Ability to design electronic and industrial instrumentation systems.
  • Industrial Technology-Related Skill 8 (ITS8) – Ability to design and make the project of automated production and advanced process control systems.

Management Skills

List of management skills students must acquire during the degree (as laid down by Order CIN/311/2009, of February 9)

  • Management Skill 1 (MS1) – Knowledge and ability to organize and manage businesses.
  • Management Skill 2 (MS2) – Knowledge and abilities related to strategy and planning applied to different organizational structures.
  • Management Skill 3 (MS3) – Knowledge of trade and labor law.
  • Management Skill 4 (MS4) – Knowledge of financial and cost accounting.
  • Management Skill 5 (MS5) – Knowledge of management reporting systems, industrial organization, production systems and logistics, and quality management systems.
  • Management Skill 6 (MS6) – Abilities for work organization and human resource management. Knowledge of occupational risk prevention.
  • Management Skill 7 (MS7) – Knowledge and abilities for integrated project management.
  • Management Skill 8 (MS8) – Ability for research, development and technological innovation management.

Installation, Plant and Construction-related Skills

List of complementary installation, plant and construction-related skills students must acquire during the degree (as laid down by Order CIN/311/2009, of February 9)

  • Installation, Plant and Construction-Related Skill 1 (IPCS1) – Ability to design, build and run industrial plants.
  • Installation, Plant and Construction-Related Skill 2 (IPCS2) – Knowledge of construction, building, installations, infrastructures and land development in the field of industrial engineering.
  • Installation, Plant and Construction-Related Skill 3 (IPCS3) – Knowledge and abilities for calculation and design of structures. .
  • Installation, Plant and Construction-Related Skill 4 (IPCS4) – Knowledge and abilities to make the project of and design electrical and fluid installations, lighting, air conditioning and ventilation, energy saving and efficiency, acoustics, communications, home automation and smart buildings, and security installations.
  • Installation, Plant and Construction-Related Skill 5 (IPCS5) – Knowledge of industrial transportation and maintenance methods and techniques.
  • Installation, Plant and Construction-Related Skill 6 (IPCS6)- Knowledge and abilities for installation, process and product verification and control.
  • Installation, Plant and Construction-Related Skill 7 (IPCS7) – Knowledge and abilities to perform certification, auditing and verification processes, as well as trials and reports.

Master’s Thesis Skill

List of skills specified in the BOE for master’s theses students must acquire during the degree (as laid down by Order CIN/311/2009, of February 9)

  • Master’s Thesis Skill 1 (MTS1) – Preparation, submission and defense before a university examining board, after obtaining all the credits in the curriculum, of an original exercise prepared individually, which will consist in an integral industrial engineering project of a professional nature which synthesizes the skills acquired from the teaching.