Academic Calendar

Academic calendar for the 2024/2025 course

The Permanent Board approved the academic calendar for the 2024/2025 course on 28 June, 2024. We kindly ask you to check frequently the website of the School to get up-to-date information..

Bachelor’s Degrees

  • Start of the educational activity ⇒ 9 September, 2024
  • Start of the 2nd Semester ⇒ 27 January, 2025
  • Senior year final exams ⇒ From 2 to 30 September, 2024
  • Final Exams 1st Semester ⇒ From 8 to 24 January, 2025
  • Final Exams 2nd Semester ⇒ From 21 May to 6 de June, 2025
  • Final Exams 2nd Opportunity (for subjects of 1st and 2nd semester) ⇒ From 16 June to 15 de July, 2025
  • Senior year final exams grade reports deadline ⇒ 8 November, 2024
  • First semester exams grade reports deadline ⇒ 14 February, 2025
  • Second semester exams grade reports deadline ⇒ 18 June, 2025
  • Final Exams 2nd Opportunity grade reports deadline ⇒ 21 July, 2025

Datas habilitadas para probas de avaliación continua (A.C.)

  • 1º cuadrimestre ⇒ do 11 ao 15 de novembro de 2024.
  • 2º cuadrimestre ⇒ do 07 ao 11 de abril de 2025.

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