Programs for Faculty

There are a series of programs available to faculty members of the University of Vigo with the aim of promoting their mobility. Besides programs focused on the European Union, the USA or Canada, faculty members of the University of Vigo can participate in inter-university cooperation actions, or in the Jean Monet program, which promotes the development of academic activities within the university sphere on the topic of European integration, the study of the construction of Europe and its institutional, political, economic and social development. Documents and links More information about Programs for Faculty

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Foreign Mobility Students

There is a wide variety of destinations for foreign mobility students, including both European countries and countries in Asia and America, as well as Australia. To request the mobility, students must apply for the program (see mobility programs). Once they have been selected as mobility students, they will receive a Learning Agreement through the Online Office of the Secretary (Secretaría Virtual), which they must fill out and submit for approval to the Associate Dean of External Relations (Subdirección de Exteriores). In order to do that, students must present their academic record (an official transcript is not necessary) showing a summary …

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Mobility Students in Spain

Os alumnos de Grao da EEI poden realizar unha estadía noutras universidades españolas ao abeiro do programa SICUE. Tras o proceso de selección, a cada alumno que lle sexa asignada unha praza habilitaráselle un cordo académico na súa Secretaría Virtual. O alumno deberá cubrir este documento, que deberá ser aprobado pola Subdirección de Exteriores da Escola. Unha vez aceptado, este documento deberá imprimirse por triplicado e ser asinado polo alumno, a Subdirectora de Exteriores e o Director da Escola. Listado de Centros SICUE

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Foreign Students

Office of International Relations (ORI) The University of Vigo has an Office of International Relations (Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales, ORI) that is responsible for centralizing, coordinating and managing international cooperation activities within the university. As far as foreign students are concerned, some of its responsibilities are managing the admission of students who take part in exchange programs, publishing the Guide for Foreign Students, and sending information packages about the University of Vigo, including information about the different campuses and cities, orientation, visas, travelling, accommodation, enrollment and study possibilities, in cooperation with the International Relations staff. Language Courses The University of …

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Spanish Students

Student mobility throughout the Spanish territory is made possible through the SICUE program, which allows students to spend an academic period in a different Spanish university and have their credits recognized. Students who participate in this program can spend an academic year in the Schools of Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the Polytechnic University of Cataluña, Valladolid, and Valencia, among others. For the academic year 2013/2014, the School of Industrial Engineering has the following agreements to spend a full academic year in the following universities (see documents and links: List of Participating SICUE Institutions – EEI) In addition, …

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Date Hour Topic Speaker May 31 14:30 Micro Grid Cooperative Distributed Energy Management and Battery SoC/SoH/FoF Estimation Dr. Mo-Yuen Chow (NCSU)    18:15 Embedded Systems for Intelligent Spaces Dr. Juan José Rodríguez Andina (UVigo) June 1 14:30 Power Electronics and Controls for Renewable Energy Systems Dr. Iqbal Husain (NCSU)   18:15 Building Flexible Mobile Robot Applications Dr. Joaquín López Fernández (UVigo) June 2 14:30 Reliable and Secure Communications in Smart Grids Dr. Wenye Wang (NCSU)   18:15 Laser Processing of Group-IV Semiconductors for Microelectronics and Photonics  Dr. Stefano Chiussi (UVigo) June 3 14:30 Modeling of Microfluidic Devices for Energy Harvesting …

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International Agreements

This section lists some of the mobility agreements available to students of our School of Engineering (both within the framework of the Erasmus program as well as outside it). Austria Technische Universität Wien Belgium Vrije Universiteit Brussel Université Libre de Bruxelles Universiteit Gent Université de Liege Université de Mons Brasil Universidade Federal do Río Grande do Sul – UFRGS Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos Pontificia Universidade Católica do Río Grande do Sul Pontificia Universidade Católica do Río de Janeiro Bulgaria Technical University of Sofia University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia (UCTM) Chile …

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SICUE Program

The mobility of students throughout the Spanish territory is promoted through the SICUE Program, which allows them to spend an academic period in a different Spanish university. Students who participate in this program can spend  a semester or a one academic year in the Engineering Schools of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the Polytechnic University of Cataluña, Sevilla, Zaragoza or Málaga, among others. The School of Industrial Engineering has the following agreements to spend an academic period in the following universities: List of SICUE Institutions Documents and links More information about SICUE program

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Erasmus program

O programa Erasmus-Estudos permite que os alumnos da EEI poidan cursar unha parte dos seus estudos noutras universidades europeas coas que a Universidade de Vigo asinou acordos bilaterais de intercambio de estudantes. Os alumnos de último curso da súa titulación poden optar a esta bolsa para cursar un semestre da súa especialidade en mobilidade. Estes alumnos deben facer a solicitude o ano anterior a aquel en que se levará a cabo a mobilidade. Para os estudantes de Grao a mobilidade Erasmus-Estudos realizarase preferentemente no segundo cuadrimestre de 4º curso. Para os estudantes do Mestrado de Enxeñería Industrial que cursan unha …

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Free Mobility

Free mobility is a temporary academic stay in a foreign higher education institution to pursue studies related to an official degree from the University of Vigo, without the requirement of having been granted mobility within programs or agreements signed by the University of Vigo. In order to be able to apply for the status of free mobility, students must meet the following criteria: Being enrolled in the University of Vigo as an official student in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD program at the moment of application and during the stay. In the case of undergraduates, having successfully completed at least …

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