One of the main characteristics of degrees in the field of engineering is their experimental nature. This makes the role of infrastructures of great importance in the development of activities. In recent years, the School of Industrial Engineering invested heavily in classroom facilities, both teaching and computer science, as well as laboratories, both in the scientific and technological areas, having modern equipment in line with current requirements.
The School of Industrial Engineering has more than 550 computer stations in the classrooms, in addition to two servers and a virtual classroom for a total of 50 users or sessions.
In addition to the facilities of the School (see details here), there are research laboratories in the following lines:
- New Materials
- Energy Technology
- Corrosion and Materials Engineering
- Industrial applications of lasers
- Solar energy and refrigeration
- Mechanical and automotive engineering
- Electrical engineering and electrical networks
- Industrial design
- Chemical, energy and environmental engineering
- Optical metrology
- Systems and automation engineering
- Advanced systems design and automation
- Power electronic technology
- Non-linear control
- Manufacturing process engineering
- Robotics and smart systems
- Microelectronic design
- Computational fluid mechanics