Overall skills

Development of comprehensive, analysis and synthesis capacities Development of capacities to pose and solve complex problems applying the knowledge acquired Development of capacities to apply knowledge to new environments, to formulate and solve new questions, to pose and contrast new hypotheses Development of the ability to prepare, present and defend scientific papers both orally and in writing Development of skills for the dissemination of ideas in non-specialized academic contexts

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In general, the following will be promoted among students at all times: Respect for fundamental rights and equality between men and women (Law 3/2007 of March 22). The respect and promotion of Human Rights and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all in accordance with the provisions of the tenth final provision of Law 51/2003, of December 2, on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and accessibility universal of people with disabilities. The values of a culture of peace and democratic values (Law 27/2005 of November 30).

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Universidade do Minho (Braga – Portugal), Technische Universität Wien (Austria), VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Aarhus Universitet (Denmark), Universiteit Twente (The Netherlands), University of Maribor (Slovenia), University of Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom).  Collaboration in the training of doctoral students in the field of innovation and creativity in complex systems in engineering. It is carried out through joint participation in an Erasmus Intensive Program entitled “Innovation and Creativity for Complex Engineering Systems (ICCES)” for the training of doctoral students. Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) Collaboration agreement with the Institute of …

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Academic commission

The Academic Commission of this Doctoral Program consists of the following members: President: Juan María Pou Saracho Secretary: Jaime Sieres Atienza Vocal:  Incumbent: Alicia Cachafeiro López Alternate: Antón Martínez Martínez Vocal: Incumbent: Carmen María Abreu Fernández Alternate: Mª Julia Cristóbal Ortega Vocal: Incumbent: Antonio Barreiro Blas Suplente: Enrique Paz Domonte Vocal: Incumbent: Juan José Rodríguez Andina Alternate: José Fariña Rodríguez Vocal: Incumbent: María Gloria Fiestras Janeiro (Quality Manager) Alternate: Antonio Fernández Otero

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Basic details of the degree

The objective of the PhD program is to offer a multidisciplinary training to engineers and graduates who decide to carry out a Doctoral Thesis in the field of advanced processes and industrial technologies. This program is based on the teaching, research and technology transfer experience of more than 40 professors from the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Vigo. CAMPUS SITE Address Maxwell, s/n. Lagoas-Marcosende University Campus 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra Telephone: +34 986 812 200 Fax: +34 986 812 201 Latitude: 42.16829108715647 (42º 10′ 5.85″ N) Longitude: -8.688998516882293 (8º 41′ 20.39″ W) Degree description Title name Doctoral program …

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Doctoral program (PhD) in Research in Technologies and Advanced Processes in Industry News

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