Graduate profile

Doctor from the University of Vigo with advanced multidisciplinary training aimed at promoting research in the field of new technologies and industrial processes. He/She is a specialist and practical researcher of high technical and scientific level who applies the analytical methods of industrial engineering, develops applied research, and applies technology to solve complex problems, providing new knowledge and solutions in the field of advanced technologies and industrial processes.

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Professional careers

Once you have obtained the title of doctor from the University of Vigo, you have at your disposal job opportunities according to this level of training: Work in a private company or technology center, directing an R + D + i group or department. Access a postdoctoral contract, that is, work in a research center to expand training and specialize in a specific research topic. Follow an academic career: Research and teach at both public and private universities. Create a company based on the results of the research carried out: spin off, technology-based company, or participate in self-employment projects. Postdoctoral …

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Our goal is that no one is excluded from higher education for financial reasons. Find all the information about the scholarships that can help you finance your doctoral studies and the associated procedures in the following link:

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Duration of studies and permanence

The computation of the time spent in the doctoral studies will be counted from the first enrolment in the doctorate until the presentation of the thesis deposit application. Maximum permanence in doctoral studies In the case of full-time enrolment, the maximum duration of studies will be 3 years. In the case of part-time enrolment, it will be 5 years. When the doctoral student uses both enrolment modalities, the duration of the doctoral studies will be computed for all purposes in terms of full-time studies, and one year of part-time enrolment will be considered equal to 0.6 years of full-time enrolment. …

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Training complements

In those cases in which the student does not meet any of the admission conditions, the Academic Commission may admit the student as long as they meet the access requirements and the Academic Commission considers that their training is sufficient to face the completion of the Doctoral Thesis with guarantees of success. In these cases, the Academic Commission (CAPD) may establish the need to pass training complements during the doctoral program. The basic competencies established by RD 861/2010 and the competencies established in Order CIN / 311/2009 of 9th February, are considered prior competencies required for admission to the program, …

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Research groups

Main research groups that collaborate with the Doctoral Program in Research and Advanced Technologies in Industry: Applied Power Electronics Technology (APET) Jesús Doval GandoyURL: apetrg.webs.uvigo.esEmail: apetrg@uvigo.esLines: Power electronics. Renewable energy. Power quality. Electric drives. Electrical Energy (en.e) José Cidrás PidreURL: grupo_ene.webs.uvigo.esEmail: grupo_ene@uvigo.esLines: Renewable energies: simulation and integration in electrical networks. Electric power networks: planning, analysis, control and protection. Electrical technology. Quality of Supply. Energy efficiency systems Evaluation of energy efficiency in facilities. Infrared thermography of electrical installations. Applications of Lasers (LASERON) Juan M. Pou SarachoURL: laseron.webs.uvigo.esEmail: jpou@uvigo.esLines: Laser treatment of biomaterials surface. Production of bioactive / bactericidal nanofibers by Laser …

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MAIN FORMALITIES COLLECTED IN THE REGULATION OF DOCTORATE STUDIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIGO: Artigo 32. COMMITMENT TO SUPERVISION The functions of supervision, guardianship and monitoring of the students will be reflected in a supervision commitment. Said commitment will be signed by a specific representation designated by the university, the tutor and the doctoral student, within a maximum period of one month from the date of enrollment, and the signature of the supervisor will be incorporated at the time of his/her designation. This supervision commitment will be incorporated into the document of activities of the doctoral student at the …

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