Research groups

Main research groups that collaborate with the Doctoral Program in Research and Advanced Technologies in Industry: Applied Power Electronics Technology (APET) Jesús Doval GandoyURL: apetrg.webs.uvigo.esEmail: apetrg@uvigo.esLines: Power electronics. Renewable energy. Power quality. Electric drives. Electrical Energy (en.e) José Cidrás PidreURL: grupo_ene.webs.uvigo.esEmail: grupo_ene@uvigo.esLines: Renewable energies: simulation and integration in electrical networks. Electric power networks: planning, analysis, control and protection. Electrical technology. Quality of Supply. Energy efficiency systems Evaluation of energy efficiency in facilities. Infrared thermography of electrical installations. Applications of Lasers (LASERON) Juan M. Pou SarachoURL: laseron.webs.uvigo.esEmail: jpou@uvigo.esLines: Laser treatment of biomaterials surface. Production of bioactive / bactericidal nanofibers by Laser …

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MAIN FORMALITIES COLLECTED IN THE REGULATION OF DOCTORATE STUDIES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIGO: Artigo 32. COMMITMENT TO SUPERVISION The functions of supervision, guardianship and monitoring of the students will be reflected in a supervision commitment. Said commitment will be signed by a specific representation designated by the university, the tutor and the doctoral student, within a maximum period of one month from the date of enrollment, and the signature of the supervisor will be incorporated at the time of his/her designation. This supervision commitment will be incorporated into the document of activities of the doctoral student at the …

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Academic Year 2017/2018 Places Available 20 Demand 15 No. of newly enrolled students 15 Total number of students enrolled 40 % of foreign students enrolled 10 % of students from other universities 6,67 % of students enrolled part-time 25 % of students with a scholarship or pre-doctoral contract 7,5 % of program students who carried out research stays 15 % of thesis supervisors with living six-year terms 81,25 No. of PhD dissertations defended 1 % of graduates who are working 100 % of graduates who are working according to the level of doctor 100 % of doctoral students who get …

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This section shows the Program indicators determined by the Quality Assurance System. These indicators can be consulted on the Transparency Portal of the University of Vigo. For better accessibility, the following are broken down by academic year: Academic Year 2022/2023 Academic Year 2021/2022 Academic Year 2020/2021 Academic Year 2019/2020 Academic Year 2018/2019 Academic Year 2017/2018 Academic Year 2016/2017 Academic Year 2015/2016 Academic Year 2014/2015 Academic Year 2013/2014 Documents and links Transparency Portal of the University of Vigo

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Physical Resources

One of the main characteristics of degrees in the field of engineering is their experimental nature. This makes the role of infrastructures of great importance in the development of activities. In recent years, the School of Industrial Engineering invested heavily in classroom facilities, both teaching and computer science, as well as laboratories, both in the scientific and technological areas, having modern equipment in line with current requirements. The School of Industrial Engineering has more than 550 computer stations in the classrooms, in addition to two servers and a virtual classroom for a total of 50 users or sessions. In addition …

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Criteria for the formation of the judging committees of PhD Dissertations

In compliance with the regulations in force at the University of Vigo, the judging committees of the PhD Dissertations must be proposed by the Academic Commission corresponding to the Doctoral Program in which the student is enrolled in order to be admitted for public defense. Consequently, the Academic Commission of the University Doctoral Program in Research in Technologies and Advanced Processes in Industry by the University of Vigo, establishes the following conditions to be able to be a member of a judging committee of a PhD Dissertation: University PhD professors who have been recognized with at least one section of …

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