Criteria for the formation of the judging committees of PhD Dissertations

In compliance with the regulations in force at the University of Vigo, the judging committees of the PhD Dissertations must be proposed by the Academic Commission corresponding to the Doctoral Program in which the student is enrolled in order to be admitted for public defense.

Consequently, the Academic Commission of the University Doctoral Program in Research in Technologies and Advanced Processes in Industry by the University of Vigo, establishes the following conditions to be able to be a member of a judging committee of a PhD Dissertation:

  • University PhD professors who have been recognized with at least one section of research (six-year term).
  • PhD professors from foreign universities who certify a research career at least equivalent to that necessary to obtain a research section (six-year term) in Spain.
  • Doctors with recognized research career, belonging to other research centers (public or private), technology centers or companies (whether national or foreign), who certify a research career at least equivalent to that necessary to obtain a research section (six-year term ) in Spain