
Within a maximum period of three months from enrollment, the Academic Commission of the Doctoral Program will assign each student a Thesis Supervisor.

The Thesis Supervisor will be the head of the training activities, the impact and novelty in their field, the subject matter of the Thesis and will be the guide in planning and its adaptation, where appropriate, to other projects and activities where the student is enrolled.

Any Spanish or foreign doctor with accredited research experience may be the Thesis Supervisor, regardless of the university, center or institution in which he/she provides this/her services. Additionally, the Thesis Supervisor must prove a research career, at least equivalent to that necessary to obtain a research section (six-year term) in Spain.

In the event that a professor of the Doctoral Program meets the requirements to be Supervisor and Tutor, he / she will assume both functions, if applicable.

In the event that the Supervisor does not have a permanent relationship with the University or collaborating entity of the Program, or is not a professor of the program, the program will assign the student a Tutor who meets the requirements established in the University’s Doctoral Studies Regulations.

The Academic Commission of the Doctoral Program may modify the appointment of the Thesis Supervisor at any time during the period of completion of the doctorate, provided there are justified reasons.

The thesis may be co-supervised when there are academic reasons or when thematic interdisciplinarity or the programs developed in national or international collaboration justify it. In any case, the co-supervision must be previously authorized by the Academic Commision. The co-supervisors of the Thesis must meet the same requirements as those established for the Supervisors in these regulations.

In order to promote the supervision of Doctoral Thesis, the Academic Commission will organize an initial meeting between the students of the program and the teaching staff of the same, in such a way that the professors of the different research groups make the students aware of their lines of investigation. After this initial meeting, students will be able to propose a tutor to the Academic Commission based on their particular research interests..

On the other hand, and in order to promote the inclusion of novice researchers, the Academic Commission will propose to the experienced researcher the possibility of including a novice researcher as co-supervisor.