
Universidade do Minho (Braga – Portugal), Technische Universität Wien (Austria), VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Aarhus Universitet (Denmark), Universiteit Twente (The Netherlands), University of Maribor (Slovenia), University of Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom).

Collaboration in the training of doctoral students in the field of innovation and creativity in complex systems in engineering. It is carried out through joint participation in an Erasmus Intensive Program entitled “Innovation and Creativity for Complex Engineering Systems (ICCES)” for the training of doctoral students.

Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)

Collaboration agreement with the Institute of Informatics for the development of joint research projects in the field of data processing and statistics.

Lund University (Sweden)

Development of joint research works in the field of new materials and physics.

Universidade do minho, Braga (Portugal)

Development of joint research projects in the field of new materials and laser technology.

Universita degli studi di Perugia (Italy)

Agreement with the Department of Industrial Engineering, for the development of joint research projects in the field of artificial intelligence.

University of Stavanger (Norway)

Development of joint research works in the field of industrial production and manufacturing (including CAD, CAM, CAE).

Universität der Bundeswehr München (Germany)

Collaboration with the technology and engineering department for the development of joint research on industrial engineering.

Universität Stuttgart (Germany)

Collaboration with the materials science and engineering department for the development of SiGe-based devices.

Université de la Mediterranee, Marseille (France)

Development of joint research projects in the field of new materials and energy

Uniwersytet Zielonogorski, Zielona Gora (Poland)

Development of joint research works in the field of electrical engineering and electronics.

Uppsala University (Sweden)

Development of joint research projects in the field of physics and new materials, especially in the development of new biomaterials, their processing using laser technology and their characterization.

Zilinska Universita v Ziline (Slovakia)

Development of joint research works in the field of mechanical engineering, manufacturing and industrial production.

Other Collaborations:

Universidad de Cranfield (United Kingdom).

Collaboration in the training of doctoral students in the field of industrial manufacturing. It is carried out through lectures by Professor Prof. Timothy Baines. (Professor of Strategic Manufacture) in our facilities.

Instituto Politécnico de Oporto (Portugal).

Collaboration in the training of doctoral students in the field of industrial production. It is carried out through lectures by Professor Luís Pinto Ferreira at our facilities

High Technological School of Engineering of Basque Country. (Bilbao).

Collaboration in the training of doctoral students in the field of industrial robotics. It is carried out through lectures by Professor Itziar Cabanes Axpe of the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation of the E.T.S. of Engineering of the Basque Country in our facilities.

University of Seville.

Collaboration in the training of two doctoral students in the field of design and manufacture of microsystems (MEMS). It is carried out through lectures by Professor Antonio Luque Estepa from the Department of Electronic Engineering of the University of Seville in our facilities.

EFACEC (Oporto, Portugal).

Multinational electrical equipment manufacturing company based in Porto. Collaboration in the training of doctoral students in the field of research and development of high-power electrical and electronic systems, from their design, manufacture and commissioning. It is carried out through visits by our students to their factories in Porto and the participation of their technical staff in the training sessions of the students.

ABG Patentes, S.L. (Madrid).

Collaboration in the training of doctoral students in everything related to industrial property and the protection of research results. It is carried out through conferences of its members.

Automotive Technological Centre of Galicia CTAG. (Porriño, Pontevedra).

Collaboration in the training of doctoral students through conferences and visits to their facilities.