After an exhaustive evaluation process, the Council of Universities has issued a resolution renewing the accreditation of the PhD Program in Research in Technologies and Advanced Processes in Industry by the University of Vigo.

In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, which regulates official doctoral studies, the University of Vigo has sent to the “Xeral Secretariat of Universities” of the “Xunta de Galicia” the request for the proposal for the renewal of the accreditation of the title “Doctoral Program in Research in Technologies and Advanced Processes in Industry” in order for ACSUG to verify that the study plan is being carried out in accordance with the description and commitments that were included in the initial project that, for this title, was approved in the verification process.

The evaluation has been carried out by a subcommittee derived from the Evaluation Commission of the Engineering and Architecture branch of knowledge made up of national and international experts from the academic field, professionals and students. The members of this commission have been selected and appointed according to the procedure that is included in the ACSUG website.

This report is the result of the evaluation of the set of documentary evidence of the degree and of the visit to the center where the degree is taught, which has been carried out without incident in accordance with the planned schedule, and of the review of the Improvement Plan presented by the center once the provisional evaluation report for accreditation renewal has been received. The actions included in said Improvement Plan will be subject to special review during the title monitoring process.

This report highlights the following as the main strengths of the program:

  • Involvement and dedication of the people responsible for the title, as well as all the teaching staff.
  • Close relationship between students and teachers, supported by a favorable teacher/student ratio.
  • Doctoral theses endorsed by a very high production of scientific contributions.
  • Material and bibliographic resources are valued positively by all stakeholders.
  • Interesting level of internationalization, highlighting the presence of international members in the evaluation courts.
  • Administrative support has been well valued by all stakeholders.
  • The effort made by the program to maintain contact with graduates and gather information on their job placement is recognized.