Admission criteria

To be admitted to the Doctoral Program in advanced technologies and processes in industry by the University of Vigo, it will be necessary to meet any of the following conditions:

  1. Be in possession of a Bachelor University Degree title regulated by RD 1393/2007 or by R.D. 822/2021 and be in possession of a university master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Vigo or master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Vigo.
  2. Be in possession of a long-cycle degree regulated by the University Reform Law (LRU), such as Industrial Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Mining Engineering, Bachelor of Physical Sciences, Bachelor of Chemical Sciences, etc. and be in possession of the title of University Master’s Degree in Research in Technologies and Advanced Processes in Industry from the University of Vigo.
  3. Be in possession of the Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA), obtained in accordance with the provisions of RD 778/1998, preferably DEAs corresponding to the following Doctorate programs:
    • Electrical technology
    • Electronic Engineering
    • Analysis of mechanical, energy and fluid systems
    • Electrical Technology and Electronic Engineering
    • Science and technology of materials
    • Applied Physics
    • Mechanical design and materials
    • Chemical engineering
    • Design and manufacturing engineering
    • HVAC technologies and energy efficiency of buildings
    • Other doctoral programs regulated by RD 778/1998 after evaluation by the Academic Commission that the training acquired by the student is adequate to be admitted to the doctoral program.
  4. Having obtained research proficiency, regulated by RD185 / 1985, after evaluation by the Academic Commission of the training acquired by the student
  5. Be in possession of a long-cycle degree regulated by the University Reform Law (LRU), such as Industrial Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Mining Engineering, Graduate in Physical Sciences, Graduate in Chemical Sciences, etc.
  6. To be in possession of a Bachelor University Degree title regulated by RD 1393/2007 or by R.D. 822/2021 and to be in possession of a University Master’s degree regulated by RD 1393/2007 or by R.D. 822/2021. In this case, the Academic Committee will assess that said Master’s degree accredits a sufficient level of training to face the completion of the Doctoral Thesis with guarantees of success. In this case, the Academic Committee may establish the need to pass training complements during the doctoral program.
  7. Be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems, without the need for its homologation, after verification by the University that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish University Master’s degree and that it empowers in the country issuing the degree for access to doctoral studies. This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous title that the interested party is in possession of or its recognition for purposes other than that of access to doctoral studies. In this case, the Academic Commission will assess that the student accredits a sufficient level of training to face the completion of the doctoral thesis with guarantees of success. In this case, the Academic Commission may establish the need to pass training complements during the doctoral program.

In those cases in which the student does not meet any of the above conditions, the Academic Commission may admit the student as long as he/she meets the access requirements and the Academic Commission considers that his/her training is sufficient to face with guarantees of success the realization of the Doctoral Thesis. In these cases, the Academic Commission may establish the need to pass training complements during the doctoral program.

In the event that the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places offered, the order of priority will be as follows:
1.- Students who meet admission condition 1
2.- Students who meet admission condition 2
3.- Students who meet admission condition 3
4.- Students who meet admission condition 4
5.- Students who meet the admission condition 5
6.- Students who meet the admission condition 6
7.- Students who meet the admission condition 7

Within each group of students who meet the same condition, an order of priority will be established based on the average grade of the student’s academic record.

Additional criteria for admission of students to the doctoral program:

In any case, to be admitted to the doctoral program, acceptance as thesis supervisor will be required by a professor (holding a doctoral degree) who has been recognized at least with one section of research (six-year term); or certify a research career equivalent to that necessary to obtain said six-year term.