International Coordinator

Dr. Cristina Trillo Yáñez

Shool of Engineering – EEI. University of Vigo


City Site: Office 125 – Subdirección entorno, Phone: +34 986 813 801

Campus Site: Office Subdirección Exteriores, Phone: +34 986 812 206

Office Hours

You can find below the calendar with the on-site office hours of the international coordinator.

Please send a message to to book an appointment of about 20 min. Please indicate the preferred date and starting time. You will receive an answer with a confirmation or with a request to change the appointment in case that day/hour is already booked.

You can come to the office without previous notice, but please note that priority will be given to students with an appointment for that day and hour.

Click on the event calendar for details (time and office).

Access information for meetings via the UVigo online Campus (“Campus remoto”) is the following:


Password: 93iwzX9U